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About Spencer Turbine

Spencer Turbine Company is synonymous with solving air and gas challenges and has built a reputation as the go to company for vacuum systems, gas pressure boosters and industrial blowers serving the most difficult applications, including environments with corrosive, toxic and other gases such as sulfides, nitrogen, halogens, acids, cyanides and ammonia. Every design is unique and highly specialized for its target application. 

Spencer’s comprehensive product line includes single and multistage centrifugal blowers, gas boosters, central vacuum systems, mobile vacuum units, separators, regenerative blowers, electrical control panels, tubing and fittings, vacuum accessories and other related products. Products are available in standard models as well as in custom designs for specific requirements.




Across many industries, Spencer blower and vacuum systems are trusted by our customers to deliver air and gas handling critical applications.

Cubus Turbo

  • High temperature gas movement in petrochemical plants
  • Combustion air blowers in metal processing
  • Froth flotation in mining
  • Clean-rooms in semiconductor and pharmaceutical companies
  • Aeration at municipal wastewater facilities

Product Range - Blowers & Gas Boosters

Single-stage Fabricated Centrifugal Blowers

Spencer single stage scroll blowers and RB pressure blowers provide dependable air or gas movement at a wide range of selected pressures and volumes. These blowers are widely used for in-plant industrial, commercial and municipal applications, and in OEM equipment for compost and wastewater aeration, temperature control, combustion air delivery, ventilation, materials handling, air curtains and drying.

Go to brochure and specifications

single stage scroll blower

Multi-stage Fabricated Centrifugal Blowers



  • 标准悬臂式 (SOH):多级制造的离心鼓风机,其叶轮安装在加长的电机轴上
  • 四轴承悬臂式 (4BOH) 可实现更高性能:多级制造的离心鼓风机,其叶轮安装在风机轴上,并与电机轴连接
  • 四轴承外置式 (4BOB) 可实现最高性能:多级制造的离心鼓风机,其叶轮安装在风机轴上,风机轴两端由自对中滚珠轴承支撑,并与电机轴连接



Spencer multi-stage blower

Custom Blowers & Gas Boosters

Spencer solves air and gas handling challenges that are so difficult, sometimes the only alternative is to change the process. We have built a global presence on our reputation as the company to contact for the most difficult applications, including environments with corrosive, toxic and other gases such as sulfides, nitrogen, halogens, acids, cyanides and ammonia. Our experts engineer, design and manufacture blower or gas booster solutions that meet:

  • Temperatures to 1100 °F (593 °C)
  • Casing design pressures to 1000 psig (6895 kPa)
  • Inlet pressures to 900 psig (6205 kPa)
  • Differential pressures to 60 psig (414 kPa)
  • Volume flows to 30000 icfm (50977 m3/hr)
  • Highly restrictive shaft sealing or gastight requirements


gas booster

Vortex® Regenerative Blowers

Vortex blowers generate high-pressure airflow during each rotation of a unique one-sided, single-stage impeller. Its compact, lightweight design; excellent performance range; long-life reliability; oil-free air delivery and minimal heat and noise make it a great option for an enormous range of applications

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Vortex regenerative blowers

Spencer Power Mizer®

Spencer Power Mizer® 多级铸造离心鼓风机为全球各行各业的重型工艺应用高效输送空气。Power Mizer 有六个系列可供选择,每个系列都可以设计为不同类型和数量的叶轮,以满足精确的气流要求。


  • 压力:高达 28 psig (193 kPa)
  • 流量:高达 35,000 icfm (991 m3/min)
  • 电源:高达 2000 hp (1491 kW)
  • Series 2500 和 3500 选择润滑油或润滑脂润滑;其余产品均选择润滑油润滑。


Power Mizer®

CubusTurbo by Howden

The GasCube, Spencer’s natural gas booster skid packages series, is the answer for efficiently delivering gas at higher pressure. Featuring a UL Listed hermetic gas booster it allows for a fast and easy installation that boosts pressure levels by as much as 83 inches WC with volumes as high as 240,000 CFH.



Control Systems

Spencer makes its own control and monitoring systems for blower and vacuum systems. We have in-house capabilities for system design and construction. Control Panels can be equipped with any desired level of sophistication including data acquisition instruments, remote process controls, multiple blower sequences and other forms of control technology.


gas control and monitoring systems

Single-stage Centrifugal Blowers

Spencer single stage scroll blowers and RB pressure blowers provide dependable air or gas movement at a wide range of selected pressures and volumes. These blowers are widely used for in-plant industrial, commercial and municipal applications, and in OEM equipment for compost and wastewater aeration, temperature control, combustion air delivery, ventilation, materials handling, air curtains and drying.

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single stage scroll blower

Multi-stage Centrifugal Blowers



  • 标准悬臂式 (SOH):多级制造的离心鼓风机,其叶轮安装在加长的电机轴上
  • 四轴承悬臂式 (4BOH) 可实现更高性能:多级制造的离心鼓风机,其叶轮安装在风机轴上,并与电机轴连接
  • 四轴承外置式 (4BOB) 可实现最高性能:多级制造的离心鼓风机,其叶轮安装在风机轴上,风机轴两端由自对中滚珠轴承支撑,并与电机轴连接



Spencer multi-stage blower

Custom Blowers & Gas Boosters

Spencer solves air and gas handling challenges that are so difficult, sometimes the only alternative is to change the process. We have built a global presence on our reputation as the company to contact for the most difficult applications, including environments with corrosive, toxic and other gases such as sulfides, nitrogen, halogens, acids, cyanides and ammonia. Our experts engineer, design and manufacture blower or gas booster solutions that meet:

  • Temperatures to 1100 °F (593 °C)
  • Casing design pressures to 1000 psig (6895 kPa)
  • Inlet pressures to 900 psig (6205 kPa)
  • Differential pressures to 60 psig (414 kPa)
  • Volume flows to 30000 icfm (50977 m3/hr)
  • Highly restrictive shaft sealing or gastight requirements


gas booster

Vortex® Regenerative Blowers

Vortex blowers generate high-pressure airflow during each rotation of a unique one-sided, single-stage impeller. Its compact, lightweight design; excellent performance range; long-life reliability; oil-free air delivery and minimal heat and noise make it a great option for an enormous range of applications.

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Vortex regenerative blowers

Spencer Power Mizer®

Spencer Power Mizer® 多级铸造离心鼓风机为全球各行各业的重型工艺应用高效输送空气。Power Mizer 有六个系列可供选择,每个系列都可以设计为不同类型和数量的叶轮,以满足精确的气流要求。


  • 压力:高达 28 psig (193 kPa)
  • 流量:高达 35,000 icfm (991 m3/min)
  • 电源:高达 2000 hp (1491 kW)
  • Series 2500 和 3500 选择润滑油或润滑脂润滑;其余产品均选择润滑油润滑。


Power Mizer®


The GasCube, Spencer’s natural gas booster skid packages series, is the answer for efficiently delivering gas at higher pressure. Featuring a UL Listed hermetic gas booster it allows for a fast and easy installation that boosts pressure levels by as much as 83 inches WC with volumes as high as 240,000 CFH.



Control Systems

Spencer makes its own control and monitoring systems for blower and vacuum systems. We have in-house capabilities for system design and construction. Control Panels can be equipped with any desired level of sophistication including data acquisition instruments, remote process controls, multiple blower sequences and other forms of control technology.


GasCube gas control and monitoring systems

Product Range - Vacuum Systems

Spencer 真空系统

Industravac® Vacuum Units

This line presents cost-effective alternatives to custom-engineered central systems, offering the benefits of pre-engineered, highly integrated designs. You are assured of application-matched performance from correctly sized, compatible and proven components. Within the standard model selection, there are varying features, such as filter bag or filter cartridge separators, bottom exhausts for outdoor use and multistage or regenerative vacuum producers.

Go to Technical Specifications (All models)

Vacuum Separators

Spencer’s centrifugal, filtration, and special designs for vacuum separators offer a high-efficiency separating air filtration process, using a cyclone action for greater dirt removal or pneumatic conveying. Two-stage separation traps over 99% of the remaining solids, even with difficult powdered materials. The automated, sequential cleaning allows the separator to operate continuously.

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vacuum separators


Access the complete portfolio of Spencer brochures and technical specification data sheets.

Spencer - Car Care Vacuum Systems

Spencer - Central Vacuum Systems

Spencer - Digester Gas Booster Skid Packages


Spencer - Gas Pressure Booster Blowers

将沼气转化为能源。Spencer 气体增压鼓风机撬装套件在沼气生产中起着不可或缺的作用。我们的鼓风机采用特殊材料进行定制设计和制造,可抵抗气体的腐蚀。

Spencer - GasCube

GasCube 天然气增压撬装套件是经 UL 认证的气密性天然气增压器,可在较高压力下高效输送气体。It allows for a fast and easy installation that boosts pressure levels by as much as 83 inches WC with volumes as high as 240,000 CFH.

Spencer - Industravac Series D

Industravac® Series D Stationary Models

Spencer - Monitoring & Control Systems

Spencer - Scroll Blowers

Single-stage Centrifugal Blowers for Industrial Air and Gas Handling

Spencer - Vacuum Cleaning Attachments & Accessories

Spencer - Vacuum Separators

Dimensions and specifications for all models.

Spencer - 涡流再生鼓风机

Product Profile

Spencer - Tubing, Fittings and Air Handling System Components

Spencer - Industravac Series A

Industravac® Series A Stationary & Mobile Models

Spencer - Industravac Series B

Industravac® Series B Stationary & Mobile Models

Spencer - Industravac Series C

Industravac® Series C Stationary Models

Spencer - Industravac 真空装置

Technical specifications - all models

Spencer - Industravac® Series BJC

Stationary Models with Jet-Clean® Separator

Spencer - Industravac® Series DJC

Stationary Models with Jet-Clean® Separator

Spencer - Industravac® Series E

Industravac® Series E Component Models Vacuum Producer | Separator | Interconnecting Kit

Spencer - Multi-stage Fabricated Centrifugal Blowers

Spencer - Natural Gas Boosters - High Capacity Series

Spencer 的大容量天然气增压器系列采用多级设计,均通过了 UL 认证。客户可受益于迄今为止的最高性能等级。The High Capacity Series can boost pressure levels by as much as 83 inches WC, with volumes to 240,000 ICFH.

Spencer - Natural Gas Boosters Low Capacity Series

Spencer 的低容量天然气增压器系列采用单级设计,均通过了 UL 认证。Installations can boost pressure levels by 9 inches WC, with volumes to 12,000 ICFH. 低容量系列设计简单直接,内部间隙较大,可长期可靠安静运行。

Spencer - Power Mizer® Series 2500


Spencer - Power Mizer® Series 3500


Spencer - Power Mizer® Series 4000


Spencer - Power Mizer® Series 5000


Spencer - Power Mizer® Series 6000


Spencer - Power Mizer® Series 7000


Spencer - 涡流再生鼓风机

Connect With Spencer

Spencer has an extensive sales and service network across the US and Canada. Use the locator at the top of the page to find the specialist for your area. Alternatively, click the contact us button or call direct.

免费电话:+1 800 232 4321

一般咨询 +1 860 688 8361

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