
关于 Earthly Labs

Earthly Labs 由 Amy George 在其作为 Carbon XPrize 入围者催化下于 2016 年创立,其愿景是从小规模排放源中捕获和避免 10 亿公吨二氧化碳。我们提供全面的解决方案,包括二氧化碳捕获硬件、软件、安装和远程监测服务——捕获二氧化碳、净化、监测和回收,使其远离大气。对于每位客户,我们专注于将分子转化为价值、减少排放、降低成本,并在循环二氧化碳经济中创造新的市场机会。我们的 CiCi® 二氧化碳捕获技术的第一个商业应用是精酿啤酒厂的二氧化碳回收和再利用;减少二氧化碳排放,同时降低二氧化碳成本。

在 2018 年,公司入选加入 ABInBev 100+ 可持续发展推进者的行列,此后在美国各地的精酿啤酒厂部署 CiCi 系统。在 2020 年,公司展示酿酒厂捕获和销售过量二氧化碳的能力,为这种废物提供新的收入来源。公司获 CNN、The Washington Post、Gasworld、Wine Spectator 和 Brewbound 媒体报道,在 年,公司已将其二氧化碳应用扩展至酒庄和酿酒厂以及其他工业应用。在实时物联网软件网络的支持下,Earthly Labs 拥有世界上最多的在营小规模系统,并且不断扩展,以满足全球更多行业和国家/地区中更多客户的需求。


Earthy Labs 新闻

了解最新 Earthly Labs 新闻和客户成功案例。




Alchemist Brewery

碳捕获正在帮助 Alchemist Brewery 实现其净零目标。

CNN 上的 EL 新闻


Beverage Master 专题


Roadhouse Brewing 视频


Winery Press

Trefethen Family Vineyards 采用 Earthly Labs 碳捕获技术。

Pulsar Helium

CBS News story on Pulsar Helium's agreement with Chart subsidiary Earthly Labs outlining a procurement roadmap that facilitates access to advanced gas processing technologies, including helium and carbon capture, essential for servicing a potential production scenario at Pulsar's flagship Topaz project in Minnesota.

Opus One Winery

“Opus One’s pursuit of excellence extends to how we care for nature. We have continued to expand Chart’s Earthly Labs carbon capture solution, reducing our climate impact and ensuring the enjoyment of each new vintage for generations to come.”

Carbon free power

Earthly Labs carbon capture technology is at the heart of a partnership between Chart and Bloom Energy that will use natural gas and fuel cells to generate virtually carbon free power that is always available.













CiCi Elm


CiCi Elm(欧洲)

适用于在欧洲和英国销售的 CiCi Elm 装置的信息和规格。

CiCi Elm - 干冰

Chart 的 CiCi Elm CO2 气体回收系统有助于捕获和回收干冰生产过程中产生的 CO2 气体。

CiCi Oak


CiCi Oak(欧洲)

适用于在欧洲和英国销售的 CiCi Oak 装置的信息和规格。

CiCi Oak - 酿酒厂


Earthly Labs 三折

CiCi® 采用专利纯化技术,使客户能够以实惠的价格收集排放的二氧化碳气体,该技术可将混合气体废物流转化为价值,同时减少温室气体排放。

Bellwoods Brewery

“Seeing this all come together with the output of liquid CO2 was a surprisingly emotional moment for me on a personal level. This recovery system is a big part of a number of steps we've taken to limit our negative environmental impact and I'm really grateful for your contribution”.

Big Storm Brewing Co. 已安装用于捕获二氧化碳的新系统


Carbon free power

News release announcing Chart's partnership with Bloom Energy that utilizes carbon capture technology to generate carbon free power for high consumption users, such as data centers and manufacturing.


借助 Earthly Labs 技术,中型啤酒厂和精酿啤酒厂能够捕获和回收其二氧化碳排放。2023 年 12 月首次发表于《Gasworld》。

Hero to Net Zero 精酿啤酒


Maine Beer Company

“One of Maine Beer Company’s core values is to ‘Take care of the Earth and encourage others to do the same'. This investment will reduce greenhouse emissions created by CO2 deliveries, but most importantly, it reduces our carbon footprint.”

Opus One Winery

“Opus One’s pursuit of excellence extends to how we care for nature. We have continued to expand Chart’s Earthly Labs carbon capture solution, reducing our climate impact and ensuring the enjoyment of each new vintage for generations to come.”

Roadhouse Brewing

"To be fully candid, our brewers were floored when we tried the first beer that we had fully used CO2 capture throughout the process."

The Alchemist Brewery

"The reality is that climate change is happening and it's affecting every part of the world and by reducing our contribution to climate change we are ensuring a better future for our industry."

Earthly Labs


免费电话:+1 833 728 3202

电话:+1 737 309 3300


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