量身定制的短期或长期经营租赁加上融资租赁选项,以提高项目灵活性。Whether it's an ability to respond quickly to seasonal or sudden increases in demand, replace equipment while yours is being repaired, or reduce initial capital expenditure for a major project, Chart has a solution. All equipment is set up by our trained technicians.
Chart 的液氮加注系统可用于食品和饮料行业的包装、保存和冷冻。加注还可减少塑料包装的数量,节省成本,并有助于保护环境。
In combination with ChartWater technology, Chart provides complete water treatment solutions through efficient delivery of dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide and ozone.
Chart 提供容量高达 18,600 加仑或 10,160 磅的液氢槽车。我们在美国和欧洲设有制造和服务设施,最近在阿拉巴马州的 Theodore 新增了设备齐全的专业工厂。
Equipment leasing is already providing additional flexibility for customers across the US requiring air gases, carbon dioxide, LNG and hydrogen across a diverse range of applications, including food and beverage packing and preservation, medical, manufacturing, laser cutting and welding, research, water treatment, LNG to power, LNG fueling and more.
为欧洲市场推出新一代深冷运输槽车。这是我们 GOFA、Flow Instruments 和 VCT Vogel 子公司群策群力的结果。
免费电话(自美国) 855 LEASE 00
美国本土 +1 855 532 7300
新罕布什尔州 +1 603 505 6380
欧洲 00 800 2796 4413